Complementary Modalities
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, there are other modalities that can be used in conjunction with acupuncture or on their own. Their purpose would be to enhance the treatment to get the desired results!
Moxa is dried mugwart. It comes in many forms, the most common being condensed into a cigar like shape. It is then lit on fire and held of acupuncture points and needles. It helps to warm and to move energy.
Electric Stimulation
Electrical stimulation is when electrodes are attached to the head of needles. There is a positive and negative end. It is most commonly associated with pain management as it promotes the release of endogenous neurotransmitters, a natural analgesic. The sensation is not painful!
Acupuncture points are manually held and stimulated using thumbs and fingers. This can be effective if someone is sensitive to needles and commonly on children.
Gua Sha
Gua sha is a scraping technique used to move energy and blood. Often a Chinese soup spoon or a jar lid is used, and it is not painful. It helps to relax muscles and break up scar tissue. It leaves a painless superficial bruise that lasts for usually less than a week.
Diet Therapy
Food suggestions can be made based on an individual's diagnosis. Foods can be used to help warm, cool and nourish the body depending on the individual. This often goes along with acupuncture and a treatment plan.
Cupping is a technique where cups are suctioned onto the skin to decompress the muscle. The cup can be left still or moved around. The suction helps to release tension and increase blood flow. It is like a reverse massage. It leaves painless superficial marks that usually last 2-7 days.