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COVID 19 Policies & Procedures 

When you arrive for your appointment, we following the steps below:

1. You will be required to complete a Covid-19 screening questionnaire a day prior to your appointment as well as when you arrive. If you are exhibiting any signs or symptoms related to Covid-19 we will be unable to treat you. Please call the office to cancel your appointment if you have any cause for concern. Cancellation fees will be waived at this time. 
2. To maintain physical distancing, our waiting room will be closed at this time. Please arrive only a few minutes early, waiting outside or in your car until that time is requested. The door could be locked when you arrive but will be opened for you just before your appointment time. Please come to your appointment alone unless a caregiver is necessary or the patient is a child. 
3. Upon entering the clinic, you will be offered hand sanitizer, as well as after your appointment and anytime you require it. If you have a mask we ask that if you wear one or one will be offered to you.  

4. To reduce traffic in the lobby, booking future appointments will need to be done via the online booking program or over the phone. Payment with credit or debit using the Tap feature is preferred. 
5.  A detailed sanitation process of the treatment room is performed between each patient. There will be 15-minute breaks in between appointments to allow for this cleaning and reduce the number of people in the clinic at one time. 

Clinic staff and practitioners will complete daily screening for symptoms of COVID-19 prior to providing services at the clinic and will not provide services if they have signs of illness.
All practitioners will be wearing protective equipment as recommended by their regulating colleges and BC Public Health.
All practitioners will wash their hands following proper handwashing guidelines before and after all patient appointments and multiple times a day.
Practitioners will sanitize all areas of patient contact in rooms after each patient's appointment.
We have increased our sanitization frequency and are following the recommend Public Health guidelines.
Patient in-clinic appointments will be reduced to allow sanitization between consultations.
The clinic flow has been modified and visually marked to guide patient traffic and to ensure physical distancing of 2m in the waiting room and common areas.
Reception staff will provide customer services from behind plexiglass for staff and public safety.

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